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Hiya! I'm Hanna

I was born on an island.

Ok, that island was Australia, which seems far less cool. ​


Right now you can find me in Berlin, living with my high-school-sweetheart husband, and our old dog, Felix.


I took my first yoga class around the same time the Internet became a thing, and I was immediately in love. With the internet. My love for yoga took a bit more time. 


No! That’s a fib, I loved yoga immediately, but didn’t commit to a regular practice until 2015. 


The greatest gift I’ve received from yoga is the ability to appreciate my body as a vessel to do loads of awesome stuff. When I was a teenager, I developed an eating disorder and yoga was integral to my recovery.

(I'm writing a book about it).


I practice what I preach and encourage true authenticity both on and off the mat.


I am a Disney-freak, a vegetarian, a Barbie girl, and a moon-lover who only wears stretchy pants.


Why Yoga?

My teaching style can be summed up in three Nirvana songs;

Come As You Are,

Smells Like Team Spirit (ok, I changed that one a bit),

and Jesus Doesn’t Want Me for a Sunbeam.


And that third one basically sums up feelings I had for a long time about not being ‘yogi enough’ to become a yoga teacher, because I didn’t fit the mould I believed was required to help people uncover the incredible relationship between body and breath, and the profound learnings of this philosophical and spiritual practice.


But the deeper I dove into yoga, I realised the mould doesn’t exist.

I can be my own kind of sunbeam – and I am.


The world is a greater place because yoga exists in it, and I am forever humbled and grateful that my spirit found yoga. 

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I've completed two RYT 200 Hour Teacher Training programs and am qualified to teach Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative, Pranayama and Meditation.

I have also completed a 50 Hour Pre- and Post-Natal and 30 Hour Children’s and Teens Yoga Training.

I am undertaking a Yoga for Seniors program beginning in 2025.


As an ever-student, I continually seek to deepen my knowledge and skills through ongoing studies and personal practice, committed to offering the best guidance and support to my students.

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